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Book 5 (1st part) Ultimate Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Talk about something you stopped doing.
I stopped stalking people on social media.
At this time tomorrow I will be...
I will be watching series.
I believe next year I will...
I will travel abroad.
By the end of this year, I will have...
I will have finished this book.
He moved to another country last month. You can't have...
You can't have seen him in the street yesterday.
It wasn't a good idea. You shouldn't have...
You shouldn't have done that.
I can't find my phone. I might have...
I might have left it at work.
Megan is late today. She is usually very responsible. She must have...
She must have had a problem.
He is a man ____ (who/which/whose) opinion I respect.
He's sorry he missed the wedding ceremony. He wishes ....
he had gone to the wedding.
You keep interrupting me when I am talking. I wish...
you wouldn't interrupt me.
I’m sorry I shouted at you last night. I wish ...
I hadn't shouted at you.
We have a test this week. I hate tests. I wish...
we didn't have a test this week.
I am terrible at math. I wish...
I were better at math.
People are usually dismissed from work when they work hard. True or false?
Drug dealing isn't a crime in most countries. True or false?
The most important person who controls a company is a CEO. True or false?
We ask people to hang on if we want them to wait for us. True or false?