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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do your neighbours work? Yes,......................
Yes, they do.
Do you and Tymek get up at seven o'clock? No, .....................
No, we don't.
are/Julia and Zoe/tired/usually
Julia and Zoe are usually tired.
watch/in/I/TV/the evening/never
I never watch TV in the evening.
Sam often listens to music.
She is always late on Tuesdays.
I/ cook/in/breakfast/the morning/usually
I usually cook breakfast in the morning.
I am never tired.
I often ride my bike to school.
sometimes/the girls/tennis/play
The girls sometimes play tennis.
My friend ...........................(fix)cars.
My friend fixes cars.
I ............................(read) books in the evening.
I read books in the evening.
He ............................(have) English lessons on Tuesdays.
He has English lessons on Tuesdays.
You............................(draw) well.
You draw well.
My father............................(tidy) his room every day.
My father tidies his room every day.
He ............................(listen) to music every day.
He listens to music every day.
We ............................(get up) early on Mondays.
We get up early on Mondays.
Julia......................(watch) TV in the evening.
Julia watches TV in the evening.
My parents.....................................a dog.(not want)
My parents don't want a dog.
A tortoise .....................................big teeth(not have)
A tortoise doesn't have big teeth.
My grandparents.....................................computer games(not like)
My grandparents don't like computer games.
Your neighbour .....................................his dog in the evening.(not feed)
Your neighbour doesn't feed his dog in the evening.
Zuzia is twenty-four and she .....................................to school.(not go)
Zuzia is twenty-four and she doesn't go to school.(go)
She .....................................football. (not play football)
She doesn't play football.
I .....................................in the garden.(not help)
I don't help in the garden.
Small cats .....................................a lot. (not eat)
Small cats don't eat a lot.
Zosia and Nadia .....................................TV in the evening (not watch)
Zosia and Nadia don't watch TV in the evening.
I.....................................snakes and spiders. (not like)
I don't like spiders.
.................your friends have swimming lessons?
Do your friends have swimming lessons?
.................your friend watch TV in the evening?
Does your friend watch TV in the evening?
.................you go to the gym?
Do you go to the gym?
.................Zuzia help you?
Does Zuzia help you?
.................you and Wiktor listen to music?
Do you and Wiktor listen to music?
.................Kit visit you at the weekend?
Does Kit visit you at the weekend?
.................you know Superman?
Do you know Superman?