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Book 5 (1st half) Grammar

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct: My father stopped to smoke 4 years ago because he had lung cancer.
My father stopped smoking 4 years ago because he had lung cancer.
My neighbours are very loud. I wish...
they would be quiet.
I didn't study much and I failed the test. I wish...
I had studied more.
I am not very tall. I wish...
I were taller.
Complete: It's high time we...
finished the revision.
He was acting ______ he were the boss.
as if / as though
I visited my aunt ____ lives in the country.
who / that
The movie _____ we watched last night won 3 awards.
that / which / -
This grammar is very (confusing/confused). I couldn't understand anything.
I read a very (interested/interesting) book last week.
Correct: I saw the girl run back and forth all day long.
I saw the girl running back and forth all day long.
Correct: I heard him talking to his wife on the phone. Now I know everything that happened and why they got divorced!
I heard him talk to his wife on the phone. Now I know everything that happened and why they got divorced!
They ______ (buy) it yesterday because the shops were closed.
can't/couldn't have bought
He _______ (be) at the meeting yesterday, he's on a business trip this week.
can't/couldn't have been
You _______ (see) Jack last week. He moved abroad two months ago.
can't/couldn't have seen
By the time I'm sixty-five years old, I _______ (retired)
will have retired
He _______ (not complete) the project by the end of the year.
won't have completed
If he continues drinking so fast, he ________ (drink) the whole bottle by midnight.
will have drunk