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4Eso total review (no reported speech)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which conditional is used to describe a situation that always happens?
the zero conditional
True or false. The sentence "My car was stolen" can be changed to the active voice
False, we dont know who stole the car
True or False? The passive voice can be used if you don't know who performed the action in the sentence
Lucas grew plants in his garden. (change to passive voice)
Plants were grown by Lucas in his garden.
Were the keys left on the table by Mary? (change to active voice)
Did Mary leave the keys on the table?
Japanese was spoken by the tourists (change to active voice)
The tourists spoke Japanese
Second conditional: If we ________(not/be) friends, I _________ (be) angry with you.
If we weren't (not/be) friends, I would be (be) angry with you.
Third Conditional: If he__________ (become) a musician, he __________(record) a CD.
If he had become (become) a musician, he would have recorded (record) a CD.
Third Conditional: He __________(be) on time if he __________(leave) earlier.
He would have been (be) on time if he had left (leave) earlier.
Passive Voice (past simple interrogative): The secretary sent the letter.
Was the letter sent (by the secretary)?
Passive Voice Present Perfect: Jeff has watered the plants
The plants have been watered (by Jeff).
Passive Voice Future Simple Interrogative: She will take your order.
Will your order be taken (by her)?
True or False: The Passive Voice is often used in formal English
Modals: What modal word do we use to give advice?
Modals: Which is the modal used in English to ask for permission?
Modals: True or false; the modal verbs "have to" and "must" have similar meanings
Zero Conditional: If my husband __________(cook) , he ___________(burn) the food.
First Conditional: If I _________(go) out tonight, I ___________(go) to the cinema.
go/will go
First Conditional: I ________________(not/go) if you _______________(not/come) with me.
won't go/don't come
Past Continuous: She ________ (take) a photo when the bird flew away.
was taking
Second Conditional: If we ________(win) the lottery, we ________(travel) the world.
won/would travel
Second Conditional: They ________(go) to Spain on holiday if they ________(like) hot weather.
would go/liked
Modals: Name one modal verb used to talk about possibility/probability/likelihood
must, might, could, may, can, will
Modals: What modal verb is used to show ability?