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Australia History Reading 1

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How long have Aborigines occupied Australia for?
At least 40,000 years
True or False: Australia's capital Canberra is not part of any state in Australia.
Why did the British encourage nonprisoner colonization?
So the French would not get a foothold in Australia
Who were about 20% of the first prisoners sent to Australia?
True or False: the population density of Aborigines was low when the British arrived?
What attracted more settlers in the 1850's?
Gold rush
What required that settlers build fences, clear trees and raise crops?
Introduction of cattle and sheep.
What gave the British colonist a major advantage in fights?
What was the most damaging thing the Europeans brought to Australia?
What immediate impact did British settlers have on Aboriginal life?
Europeans took over good sources of water, fish and productive land
On January 1, 1901 what was established?
Commonwealth of Australia
When did the British STOP transporting prisoners to Australia?
What was the name of the official penal colony?
New South Wales
Why was Australia a "good choice" as a location for Great Britain's prisoners?
No colonies from other European or Asian countries and few indigenous people
In what year did the British begin to colonize Australia?
What event had increased Britain's desire for new colonies?
Loss of 13 American colonies
When did the first Europeans reach Australia?
Who did King George send to claim Australia for Great Britain?
Capitan James Cook
Where did Aborigines settle?
Where climate was most pleasant and water was available
How many Aborigines were there before Europeans arrived in 1788?
Define nomadic.
moving from place to place in search of food
Aborigines were __________ and ____________ who ate animals, wild nuts, fruits and berries.
hunters and gatherers
Where did the original inhabitants of Australia migrate from?
Southeast Asia
What does the word aborigines mean?
The people who were here from the beginning
Who are the native people of Australia?