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Do You Know...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you know what time it is?
I (don't) know what time it is.
Do you know how to say this in English?
I (don't) know how to say this in English.
Do you know how to say this in English?
I (don't) know how to say this in English.
Do you know how to speak Chinese?
I (don't) know how to speak Chinese.
Do you know how to speak English?
I (don't) know how to speak English.
Does you know how to ride a horse?
I (don't) know how to ride a horse.
Does he know how to drive?
He (doesn't) know how to drive.
Does she know how to swim?
She (doesn't) know how to swim.
Do you know where Germany is?
I (don't) know where Germany is.
Do you know how to cook?
I (don't) know how to cook.
Do you know the name of this fruit?
I (don't) know the name of this fruit.
Do you know the name of this vegetable?
I (don't) know the name of this vegetable.
Do you know what this animal is?
I (don't) know what this animal is.
Do you know what this animal is?
I (don't) know what this animal is.
Do you know what you're doing tomorrow?
I (don't) know what I'm doing tomorrow.
Does she know how to ride a bike?
Yes, she knows how to ride a bike.
Do they know how to play ping pong?
Yes, they know how to play ping pong.
Do you know what you're having for dinner?
I (don't) know what I'm having for dinner.
Do you know where Peru is?
I (don't) know where Peru is.
Does he know how to ice skate?
He (doesn't) know how to ice skate.