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* Vegetables [rau củ] ESL

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
It's a POTATO. [khoai tây]
What is it?
It's CELERY. [cần tây]
What is it?
It's an ONION. [hành tây]
What is it?
It's BROCCOLI. [súp lơ xanh]
What is it?
It's LETTUCE. [rau diếp]
What is it?
It's a LEEK. [tỏi tây]
What is it?
It's ASPARAGUS. [măng tây]
What is it?
It's SPINACH. [rau chân vịt]
What is it?
It's an EGGPLANT. [cà tím]
What is it?
It's DAIKON. [củ cải trắng]
What is it?
It's a TOMATO. [cà chua]
What is it?
It's a MUSHROOM. [nấm]
What is it?
It's CAULIFLOWER. [súp lơ trắng]
What is it?
It's CABBAGE. [cải bắp]
What is it?
It's LOTUS ROOT. [củ sen]
What is it?
It's a PUMPKIN. [bí ngô]
What is it?
Its a CHILI (pepper). [ớt]
What is it?
It's a PEPPER. [ớt chuông]
What is it?
It's CHINESE CABBAGE. [cải thảo]
What is it?
It's a CUCUMBER. [quả dưa chuột]
What is it?
It's a CARROT. [củ cà rốt]
What is it?
It's BOK CHOY. [cải chíp]
What is it?
It's a PEA. [đậu Hà Lan]