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Present continuous: future arrangements

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How do you form the present continuous?
subject + verb to be + verb +ING
What 2 uses of the present continuous did we learn about?
- For actions happening now. - For future arrangements.
Make a question using the present continuous: they / make a tiktok video / this evening / ?
Are they making a tiktok video this evening?
Make a NEGATIVE sentence (use the present continuous + "TONIGHT").
He isn't eating eating ice-cream tonight.
Make a NEGATIVE sentence (use the present continuous + "AFTER SCHOOL").
He isn't painting after school.
What is Jack doing this afternoon?
Jack is playing the piano this afternoon.
What is Mary doing tomorrow?
Mary is watching TV / a movie tomorrow.
Which of these expressions IS used with the present continuous to talk about future arrangements?--> YESTERDAY / AT 6 O'CLOCK / NOW / USUALLY
Make a question using the present continuous: your dad / make pasta / tonight / ?
Is your dad making pasta tonight?
Make a sentence using the present continuous: Tom and Paul / not go on holiday / next month.
Tom and Paul aren't going on holiday next month.
Make a sentence using the present continuous: Jane / study for a test / next Thursday.
Jane is studying for a test next Thursday.
Which of these expressions is NOT used with the present continuous to talk about future arrangements?--> TOMORROW / NEXT WEEK / AT THE MOMENT / TODAY