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Passive with modals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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next / ? / strengthen / years / animal / be / in / two / the / rights / Could
Could animal rights be strengthen in the next two years?
extinguished / be / might / some / bears / in / Polar / years
Polar bears might be extinguished in some years
urgently / What / ? / should / protected / more / be / animals
What animals should be protected more urgently?
The Ralph Rabbit video can be banned. (question)
Can the Ralph Rabbit video be banned?
Animals in circuses should be banned to protect their rights. (question)
Should animals in circuses be banned to protect their rights?
The people in Santander had to make many demonstrations to protect San Turban moorland.
Many demonstrations had to be done to protect San Turban moorland (by the people in Santander).
Humans may extinguish many animals in this decade.
Many animals may be extinguished in this decade (by humans).
PETA has to protect all kinds of lives.
All kinds of lives have to be protected (by PETA).
Animals are killed to obtain this.
Fur and hide.
The governments should ban whale hunting.
Whale hunting should be banned.
You support an idea.
I'm in favor of...
You use this expression when you completely agree with someone.
I couldn't agree with you more.