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Book 5 (Units 1-6)

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 3 famous brand names
McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Nike
Say 3 types of critics
book critics, movie critics, restaurant critics
Say 3 things you can bet on
horses, football, cards
Say 3 places that receive visitors
hotels, museums, art galleries
Say 3 things that spoil a child
sweets, toys, too much praise
Say 3 things that motivate you
a promotion, money, praises
Say 3 reasons to move abroad
a better job, more opportunities, learn another language
Say 3 reasons to learn English
meet new people, travel abroad, get a good job
Say 3 things you can postpone
a meeting, a doctor appointment, a trip
Say 3 things you can apply to
a position in the government, a job, university
Say 3 types of relatives
brother, sister, mother
Say 3 things you can be addicted to
drugs, alcohol, social media
Say 3 job positions
coordinator, manager, assistant
Say 3 things you will do when you retire
travel, take care of grandchildren, write a book
Say 3 things unsociable people like
stay home, watch TV, cats
Say 3 things you will have done by the end of the year
finished this book, watched 50 films, worked here for 4 years
Say 3 things people can cheat on
a test, a partner, taxes
Say 3 things that can leak
a pipe, a roof, a toilet
Say 3 things that can cause a scandal
corruption, an affair, a crime
Say 3 things that have a remote control
TV, DVD, air-conditioning
Say 3 things we can hang on a hanger
a T-shirt, a blouse, a shirt