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relative pronouns

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Most of the people … she met were from Sydney
Do you know the reason … there are no penguins at the North Pole?
Mr Yates is retiring next month. He has worked for the same company all his life.
Mr Yates, who has worked for the same company all his life, is retiring next month.
That man over there is an artist. I don’t remember his name.
That man over there, whose name I don’t remember, is an artist.
The man is in prison. Janet fell in love with this man
The man who/that Janet fell in love with/ Janet fell in love with / with whom Janet fell in love is in prison
I’ve just bought some books about astronomy. I’m very interested in astronomy.
I’ve just bought some books about astronomy, which I’m very interested in.
Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to get your letter.
Thank you for your letter, which I was very happy to get.
John is one of my closest friends. I have known John for eight years
John, who(m) I have known for eight years, is one of my closest friends.
The new stadium will be opened next month. The stadium holds 90,000 people.
The new stadium, which holds 90,000 people, will be opened next month.
She showed me a photograph of her son. Her son is a policeman.
She showed me a photograph of her son, who is a policeman.
My uncle’s farm is twenty kilometres from here. We often visit it.
My uncle’s farm, which we often visit, is twenty kilometres from here.
The young boy was given a reward. He had saved the drowning child.
The young boy who had saved the drowning child was given a reward
Lots of people walk in the park. I jog there every morning.
Lots of people walk in the park where I jog every morning.
Mark’s sister is getting married tomorrow. She has just graduated.
Mark’s sister, who has just graduated, is getting married tomorrow.
There is a girl in my class. Her family emigrated from India.
There is a girl in my class whose family emigrated from India.
I bought my first car ten years ago. I was a salesman then.
I bought my first car ten years ago, when I was a salesman.