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Reordering game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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have to / the keys / take / you ( — )
You don't have to take the keys.
go / to / you / the toilet / have to ( âť” )
Do you have to go to the toilet ?
buy / the movie / we / tickets / have to / for ( âť” )
Do we have to buy tickets for the movie?
I / early / have to / today / go to / bed / ( — )
I don't have to go to bed early today.
online / exam / Julia / have to / an / take ( âž• )
Julia has to take an online exam.
red / light / you / stop at / have to / ( âť” )
Do you have to stop at red light?
History / have to / she / her / bring / book ( — )
She doesn't have to bring her history book.
be silent /the hospital / have to / you / in / ( âž• )
You have to be silent in the hospital.
call / parents / have to / Peter / his ( âť” )
Does Peter have to call his parents?
my / off / take / have to / shoes / I ( âž• )
I have to take my shoes off.
the food / pay / they / have to / for  ( ➕ )
They have to pay for the food.
have to / back / the office / to / We / go / ( — )
We don't have to go back to the office.
have to / make / you / so much / noise ( âť” )
Do you have to make so much noise?
have to / We / animals / protect / the ( âž• )
We have to protect the animals.
for his / have to / grandfather / a gift / buy / Max ( — )
Max doesn't have to buy a gift for his grandfather.