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Present Perfect and Simple Past for Book 3 (2nd  ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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___ you ever ___ (lie) about your age?
Have you ever lied about your age?
___ you ___ (read) the news yesterday?
Did you read the news yesterday?
___ you ____ (take) the trouble to memorize the irregular verbs last year?
Did you take the trouble to memorize the irregular verbs last year?
___ you ____ (miss) many classes this year?
Have you missed many classes this year?
____ you ___ (use) to look different 10 years ago?
Did you use to look different 10 years ago?
____ you ____ (made) any plans this month?
Have you made any plans this month?
___ you ____ (practise) your English last month?
Did you practise your English last month?
_____ you _____ (hear) about any surprising news recently?
Have you heard about any surprising news recently?
What ____ you ____ (eat) for you last meal?
What did you eat for you last meal?
What ___ you ____ (do) for you last birthday?
What did you do for you last birthday?
___ you ____ (work) last Friday?
Did you work last Friday?
____ (be) you asleep at 11:00 pm last night?
Were you asleep at 11:00 pm last night?
____ you ____ (feel) sorry for anybody last month?
Did you feel sorry for anybody last month?
____ you ever ____ (fall) down the stairs?
Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
___ you ____ (charge) your mobile phone last night?
Did you charge your mobile phone last night?
____ you ____ (eat) a lot of chocolate this week?
Have you eaten a lot of chocolate this week?
____ you ever ____ (burn) anything in the kitchen?
Have you ever burnt anything in the kitchen?
____ you ever ____ (have) a car accident?
Have you ever had a car accident?