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Book 5 - Grammar Lesson 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: I wish my ___ would...
free answe
Complete: I wish I hadn't...
free answer
He was very tired and stopped _____ (rest) for a few minutes. Gerund or infinitive?
to rest
He stopped ____ (drink) alcohol for health reasons. Gerund or infinitive
We regret _____ (inform) you that you have been dismissed from the company. Gerund or infinitive?
to inform.
I didn't pass the interview. I regret ____ (be) late. Gerund or infinitive?
I feel so nostalgic! I forgot _____ (watch) this cartoon when I was a child. Gerund or infinitive?
Oh, no! I forgot ____ (pay) the rent this month! Gerund or infinitive?
to pay
People say that he owns a helicopter. Change to be said + infinitive or perfect infinitive.
He is said to own a helicopter.
People believe that she lives in a castle. Change to be believed + infinitive or perfect infinitive.
She is believed to live in a castle.
People think that he killed his wife. Change to be thought + infinitive or perfect infinitive.
He is thought to have killed his wife
People say that she lost a lot of weight. Change to be said + infinitive or perfect infinitive.
She is said to have lost a lot of weight.
I missed my interview. I wish that my Uber ____ (arrive) on time
had arrived
You always come home late! I wish that you ______ (not/work) late so often.
wouldn't work
I wish my neighbours ___ (stop) making so much noise!
would stop
I wish I ____ (not/tell) her my secret. Now everyone knows.
hadn't told
It’s a pity I can't buy that car. I wish I ____ (be) a millionaire.
I’m always so busy. I wish I _____ (have) more free time.