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Spring Break

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A friend tells you they are traveling over Spring Break. What comment or question could you ask them to keep the conversation going?
Where are you going? Who are you going with? How will you get there? What will you do there?
After Spring Break, would you rather go back to school or stay in virtual school at home?
I would rather ______.
Think of something you would use to keep yourself safe from Coronavirus if you go out in your community.
I would use _______.
Name 3 places you could go over Spring Break
I could go to _____________. (the mall, park, beach, restaurant, movies)
Think of something that you use to color with.
I can use ______.
Pick a friend, ask them "What is your favorite holiday in Spring? (Easter, Passover, April Fools Day, Earth Day, Mother's Day, Cinco De Mayo, Fathers Day)
My favorite holiday is ________.
Think of something that you can use to carry things in.
I can use __________.
If you could travel anywhere over Spring Break, where would you go? What would you do there?
I would go to _______.
If you could go to any restaurant over Spring Break, where would you go? What would you order?
I would go to ________. I would order ________.
Name 3 things you need to bring on a trip to the beach.
I would bring ____________. (towel, money, beach umbrella, flip flops)
Would you rather go to the beach or to a park over Spring Break? Tell why?
I would rather go to the ______ because _______.
Flowers bloom in Spring.  Think of something else that smells nice.
A ______ smells nice.
What holiday includes hiding colorful eggs around the yard?
St. Patrick's Day
Would you rather go to Disneyland or Legoland over Spring Break? Tell why?
I would rather go to _________ because ________.
Pick a friend and ask them "What is something you want to do during Spring Break?"
I want to ___________. (sleep in, go to the beach, visit family, travel)