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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ........... (not learn) English and I ........... (get) 0 points in my test.
I didn't English and I got 0 points in my test.
My parents ........... (give) me a great present for my birthday!
My parents gave me a great present for my birthday!
The lesson .......... (not start) at 8 o'clock.
The lesson didn't start at 8 o'clock.
.......... (be) you ill last week? - No, I ............ (not be).
Were you ill last week? - No, I wasn't.
I ............ (be) at the birthday party at my friend's house.
I was at the birthday party at my friend's house.
Where .............. (be) you yesterday?
Where were you yesterday?
My father ........... (not watch) the football match yesterday.
My father didn't watch the football match yesterday.
Anna and Lucas .............. (play) with the ball and ............ (break) the window.
Anna and Lucas played with the ball and broke the window.
The cat ........... (eat) the mouse.
The cat ate the mouse.
The mouse .......... (steal) the cheese from the cat.
The mouse stole the cheese from the cat.
The students ............. (answer) the questions very quickly.
The students answered the questions very quickly.
My brother ........... (ask) his girlfriend to marry him.
My brother asked his girlfriend to marry him.
I .......... (do) my homework right after school yesterday.
I did my homework right after school yesterday.
I ........ (try) to call him but he ........... (not answer).
I tried to call him but he didn't answer.
My friend Emma ...... (sleep) in the tent with me.
My friend Emma slept in the tent with me.
My dad ............ (not feel) very well yesterday.
My dad didn't feel very well yesterday.
I ................ (not call) you because I ............ (forget) my phone.
I didn't call you because I forgot my phone.
Yesterday evening I .........(watch) TV with my parents.
Yesterday evening I watched TV with my parents.
The train .............. (arrive) at 7 o'clock.
The train arrived at 7 o'clock.
My mum ........... (find) the keys she ............ (lose) last week.
My mum found the keys she lost last week.
We ......... (drink) orange juice, we .......... (not drink) beer last night.
We drank orange juice, we didn't drink beer last night.
My sister ....... (break) her leg last week.
My sister broke her leg last week.
I ............. (not go) to school last week.
I didn't go to school last week.
My aunt ................ (not stay) with us.
My aunt didn't stay with us.
My friend Sam ............ (stop) by yesterday.
My friend Sam stopped by yesterday.
They ................ (travel) to Italy last summer.
They travelled to Italy last summer.
I ........... (cry) because the film .......... (be) very sad.
I cried because the film was very sad.
My brother ........... (play) computer games in the evening.
My brother played computer games in the evening.
My parents ...... (walk) in the park.
My parents walked in the park.
Anna ....... (write) a letter to her grandma.
Anna wrote a letter to her grandma.
I ....... (eat) a sandwich yesterday.
I ate a sandwich yesterday.