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Modals of probability/possibility (Deduction)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The plants have all died - she ______ to water them.
must have forgotten
I wonder why my computer isn't working properly. It _____ due to the recent upgrade or perhaps there's a problem with the battery.
might be - could be - may be
That's my sister on the phone again. She _____ forgotten to tell me something the first time she called.
must have
There _____ life on Mars. The aliens would have visited us by now.
can't be
Michael lost his job last month. It _____ easy for him since then.
can't have been
Peter ____ be stuck in traffic. He's never late.
I'm not sure why I got such a low mark for my biology essay. I think I _______ misread the question, or perhaps my grammar let me down.
might have
I can't find my sunglasses. They ____ be in my car. Or maybe I left them in the bar.
It ____  raining outside. All the students brought an umbrella.
must be
That woman drives a very expensive car. She ____ a lot of money.
must have
There's a bit of traffic, so I ______  arrive in time.
might not/may not
He ______  be his son, they look completely different.
You have walked for ten hours. You ______  exhausted.
must be
I think there ______ be a mistake in your tax return. You should check it
If you haven't eaten all day, you ________ be hungry.
Paul is being very strange to me. I think he ______ be angry with me.
David really likes that restaurant. He _______ be there now.
David __________  happy. His girlfriend had just broken up with him.
can't have been
Anna has a huge library in her house. She ________ love books.
It ________ be hot outside. That man in the street is wearing a coat.
Jenny always does really well on exams. She ________  study a lot.