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Irregular plurals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There's not just one deer, there are two _______.
I see two ________ swimming.
There isn't just one sheep, there are four _______.
I don't see one person, I see three _______.
Here are two _________.
Here are two little ______.
Here are two _________ standing together.
Here are two ________
I see lots of white ______.
Here are two _______
In Australia we don't have deer. Have you seen deer before?
Great! Were they big or small deer?
I used to have two fish. Have you ever had fish as pets?
Fish are cute too!
Sheep are so cute. Make a sentence about when you saw some sheep.
Great job using the word 'sheep'!
There are lots of people. Where have you been where there are lots of people? Use the word 'people' in your answer.
There are some children. How many children play outside at school?
So many children!
I see some mice. Have you ever seen two mice?
Mice can be sneaky.
Here are two women. Tell me about two women you know.
Great job!
Here are two men. Do you know two men?
Here are lots of teeth. Tell me about your teeth.
Nice work!
These are two feet. Make a sentence using the word 'feet'.
Great sentence!