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Comparatives & Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a superlative sentence about mornings or evenings.
Mornings are more boring than evernings.
Compare computers and mobile phones.
Mobile phones are faster than computers.
Make a superlative sentence about computers or mobile phones.
The mobile phone is the most useful device.
Compare children and adults.
Children are funnier than adults.
Make a superlative sentence about restaurants.
Tertulia is the best restaurant in this city.
Compare Math and English.
English is easier than Math.
Make a superlative sentence about jobs.
A doctor has the most difficult job.
Compare weekdays and weekends.
Weekends are happier than weekdays.
Make a superlative sentence about clothes.
Dresses are the most elegant clothes.
Compare men and women.
Women are more responsible than men.
Make a superlative sentence about food.
Pizza is the most delicious food.
Compare summer and winter.
Summer is hotter than winter.
Make a superlative sentence about your country.
Brazil is the friendliest country in the world.
Compare cats and dogs.
Cats are more intelligent than dogs.
Make a superlative sentence about cats or dogs.
Dogs are the nicest animals.
Compare your city and another city.
Santos is more beautiful than São Vicente.