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Salta - Landmarks

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do at night in Salta?
Visit Paseo Balcarce
What can you find at Plaza del Lago which is very colourful?
A rainbow
Which is the oldest building in Salta?
The Convento San Bernardo
What type of museum is the MAAM?
An archeology museum
Name 3 places you can find around the main square
The Cathedral, The city hall, banks, museums, hotels, caf'es, etc
Name 3 typical activities you can do in Salta
Go to the MAAM museum, visit important landmarks, travel in the cable car, etc
Name 3 typical foods you can eat in Salta
Empanadas, Humitas, Locro, Tamales, etc
What's this?
The Provincial Theatre
What's this?
The Cable Car
What's this?
San Francisco Church
What's this?
San Bernardo Hill
What's this?
Güemes Monument
What's this?
The Main Square
What's this?
The City Hall
What's this?
The Cathedral