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Sheba blows out the candles before she eats her cake. When does Sheba eat her cake?
After she blows out the candles.
She jumps for joy every Friday. When does she jump for joy?
Every Friday
Cat stretches before breakfast. When does cat stretch?
Before breakfast.
David puts on gloves before he cleans. When does David put on gloves?
Before he cleans.
They always celebrate when they win the game. When do they celebrate?
When they win the game.
I saw the rainbow after the storm. When did I see the rainbow?
After the storm.
Flowers grow in the springtime. When do flowers grow.
In the spring time.
Puppy likes to snuggle when he is cold. When does puppy snuggle?
When he is cold.
Gwen laughs when someone tells her a joke. When does Gwen laugh?
When she hears a joke.
Michelle likes to dance when she is happy. When does Michelle like to dance?
When she is happy.
The team always cleans their uniforms after the game. When do they clean their uniforms.
After the game
Joe always eats popcorn when he watches a movie. When does Joe eat popcorn?
When he watches a movie.
Bear likes to drink coffee in the morning. When does bear drink coffee?
In the morning.
Kitty must wear her glasses to read to her friends. When does Kitty wear her glasses?
When she reads to her friends