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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _______ late for the class today.
I was/wasn't late for the class today.
No, my classmates ________ outside. They _________ in the classroom.
No, my classmates weren't outside. They were in the classroom.
I __________ born in 1990.
I was/wasn't born in 1990.
What was your favorite film when you were a child?
My favorite film when I was a child was ______________
What was your best friend's name when you were a child?
My best friend's name when I was a child was ___________.
Where were you at 7:00 pm on Sunday?
I was at __________ at 7:00 pm on Sunday.
Where were you 10 hours ago?
I was at __________ 10 hours ago.
"__________ she tired after work?" "No, she __________"
"Was she tired after work?" "No, she wasn't."
_______ you on the beach last weekend?
Were you on the beach last weekend?
The film _______ very funny, We __________ happy.
The film was very funny. We were happy.
"_______ you at home last night?" "Yes, I _________"
"Were you at home last night?" "Yes, I was."
No, I ________ in London last week. I ________ in Paris.
No, I wasn't in London last week. I was in Paris.
2018 _________ a very good year for me.
2018 was/wasn't a very good year for me.
The weather __________ very hot last week.
The weather was/wasn't very hot last week.
No, the managers _________ on holiday. They __________ at work.
No, the managers weren't on holiday. They were at work.
Yesterday _______ Wednesday.
Yesterday was/wasn't Wednesday.