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Should / have to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We (nie musimy) study French at school.
don't have to
(Czy powinnam) take the medicine every day?
Should I...?
(Czy musimy) write the test tomorrow?
Do we have to...?
(Czy ona musi) look after her baby brother?
Does she have to...?
(Czy musisz) wash the dishes at home?
Do you have to...?
(Czy powinnam) bring some cake to the picnic?
Should I...?
I (nie muszÄ™) clean my room every day.
don't have to
I have a toothache. I should...
see the dentist
It's raining, you (powinnaÅ›) take an umbrella.
When you sneeze, you (powinieneÅ›) cover your mouth.
I have a cold. What should I do?
e.g. keep warm, stay in bed, drink hot tea...
She (nie powinna) eat peanuts, she's allergic to them.
We (powinniśmy) listen carefully to the teacher.
She (nie musi) get up early on Sundays.
doesn't have to
We (nie musimy) go to school on Saturday.
don't have to
John is a policeman. He (musi) wear a uniform to work.
has to
If you want to ride a bike, (musisz) wear a helmet.
you have to
I want to be a doctor. I have to...
study medicine
She has a test tomorrow. She has to...
He has stomachache. He shouldn't...
e.g. eat sweets, drink fizzy drinks, ...
She has a headache. She should...
e.g. take a painkiller, lie down, ...