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Irregular Past Tense (multiple choice)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Ginger do yesterday?
Ginger caught the ball.
Ginger catched the ball.
Ginger catch the ball.
Which cupcake did he choose? How did it taste?
He chose the chocolate one.
He choosed the chocolate one.
He chosed the chocolate one.
Henry ______ the ball to Ginger.
How many apples did he buy?
He bought three apples.
He buyed three apples.
He buy three apples.
What did she break?
She broke her phone.
She broked her phone.
She breaked her phone.
What did she do on Sunday?
She ran in the park with her friends.
She runed in the park with her friends.
She run in the park with her friends.
What did he draw in art class?
He drew a penguin in art class.
He drawed a penguin in art class.
He draw a penguin in art class.
What did you do today?
I did my homework.
I do my homework.
I dided my homework.
Did he swim in the sea last summer?
No, he swam in a swimming pool.
No, he swimmed in a swimming pool.
No, he swim in a swimming pool.
Did she drink milk with her breakfast this morning?
No, she drank orange juice with her breakfast.
No, she drinked orange juice with her breakfast.
No, she drink orange juice with her breakfast.
Where did you sleep last night?
I slept at my grandma's house.
I sleeped at my grandma's house.
I sleeping at my grandma's house.
What did you eat for dinner?
I ate pizza for dinner.
I eated pizza for dinner.
I ated pizza for dinner.
What did they see at the zoo?
They saw elephants.
They seed elephants.
They sawed elephants.
What did she do at the park?
She flew a kite.
She flyed a kite.
She flewed a kite.
Where did she go on Saturday?
She went to the park.
She goed to the park.
She going to the park.
What did you do at the beach?
We built a sandcastle.
We build a sandcastle.
We builted a sandcastle.
What did you do at school today?
We made a poster.
We make a poster.
We maked a poster.