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The present perfect or the past simple?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is correct?
You look beautiful today.
You are looking beautiful today.
Which is correct?
For a long time, Ms. Lopez has flown small planes.
For a long time, Ms. Lopez has flew small planes.
Which is correct?
How long has he stuck to his budget?
How long has he sticked to his budget?
Which is correct?
My have class has learned about different verb tenses.
My class have learned about different verb tenses.
Which is correct?
Who went with you?
Who did you went with?
A: _____________ (you / study) English every day? B: Yes, I do.
Do you study
I ____________ (not / work) for the past year. I'm still not working.
have not worked / have not been working
We _________________(play) a game.  Can I call you back later?
are playing
Make a question in the present perfect:  have / live / in Raleigh / your family / how long
How long has your family lived in the Raleigh?
They ____________(not+catch) many fish last week.
didn't catch
My friend ____________(hurt) himself at the competition last week.
Last month, she _____________(fall) off her bike and ______________(twist) her ankle.
fell; twisted
My parents _______________(visit) South America for many years.  Their next trip in in two months.
have visited
I ________(have) the flu for one week.
have had
My grandpa ____(not+study) English when he was a child, but now he _____ (take) classes at Wake Tech.
did not study...is taking
_______________(you/find) any interesting facts yesterday?
Did you find
We ______________(not / travel) to Japan since 2015, but we will go this year!
have not travelled
My little sister ______________(draw) many nice pictures since this morning.
has drawn / has been drawing
She ________________(lose) her keys when she was in London.
The first man _____________(fly) to the Moon in 1969.
Our teacher ______(work) at our school for more than 10 years. Before that, she ______ (teach) overseas.
has worked...woked
My uncle ____(buy) this car many years ago, but now he ______ (want) to sell it.