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Where are they?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are the sweets?
The sweets are in the jar.
Where is the remote control?
The remote control is on the table.
Where is the ladle?
The ladle is above the pan.
Where is the pan?
The pan is on the cupboard.
Where are the curtains?
Curtains are in front of the window.
Where is the carpet?
Carpet is under the chair.
Where are the rabbits?
Rabbits are nex to the river.
Where is pillow?
Pillow is behind the jack.
Where is Henry?
Henry is in front of the bookshelf.
Where are the flowers?
Flowers are in the vase.
Where are the grapes?
Grapes are above the Felix.
Where is Felix?
Felix is under the grapes.
Where is Felix?
Felix is under the blanket.
Where is Felix?
Felix is next to the tree.
Where is Felix?
Felix is behind the chair.
Where is Emma?
Emma is between the picture and the wardrobe.
Where is the basket?
Basket is between the plant and the armchair.