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Past Tense of BE

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How old were you three years ago?
I was 24 years old three years ago.
How old were you five years ago?
I was 22 years old five years ago.
The books was/were not inside the bag.
The books were not inside the bag.
Who was your favorite singer when you were a child?
Xuxa was my favorite singer when I was a child.
Who was your best friend when you were a child?
Mariana was my best friend when I was a child.
Were you at the shopping last weekend?
Yes, I was at the shopping mall last weekend.
Were you in Santos on your last vacation?
No, I wasn't in Santos on my last vacation. I was in Minas.
Where were you last Saturday night?
I was at a restaurant last Saturday night.
Where were you yesterday at 9:00 pm?
I was at home yesterday at 9:00 pm.
Last year, my best friend was/were twenty-five years old.
Last year, my best friend was twenty-five years old.
My friends was/were at the beach all day.
My friends were at the beach all day.
It was/were very hot last summer.
It was very hot last summer.
Was/Were your parents home last night?
Were your parents home last night?
The children was/were tired after the party.
The children were tired after the party.
Michael was/were in Germany two weeks ago.
Michael was in Germany two weeks ago.
My sister and I was/were at school yesterday.
My sister and I were at school yesterday.
Jessica was/were at home last night.
Jessica was at home last night.
The students was/were very noisy.
The students were very noisy.
The teacher was/were angry yesterday.
The teacher was angry yesterday,
Spring was/were really warm this year.
Spring was really warm this year.