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Past Simple vs Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you _______________(see) Clare at the party, what _____________(she / wear)?
saw, was she wearing
Dad _____________(repair) the car while mum ____________(cook) dinner.
was repairing, was cooking
We ______________ (have) dinner when Aunt Mary ________________(arrive).
were having, arrived
______________(he /surf) the Internet when the storm ________________?
Was he surfing, started
_________________(she/have) a shower when the postman _____________(arrive)?
Was she having a shower, arrived
They _______________(shop) for a hairdryer when I _____________ (see) them.
were shopping, saw
We _____________(use) the toaster when the bread ___________(fall) on the floor.
were using, fell
I ______________(dry) my hair when you ___________(phone) me.
was drying, phoned
What ___________ (you / do) yesterday at five o’clock?
were you doing
They ___________________ (not watch) TV at two o’clock on Saturday.
weren't watching
Adam _________________ (play) football at this time yesterday.
was playing
My friends and I ____________ (hang out) in the park at one o’clock yesterday.
were hanging out