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Passive voice past tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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English was taught by the teacher
The teacher taught English
Japanese was spoken by the tourists (change to active)
The tourists spoke Japanese
Henry sang a beautiful song (Change to passive interrogative)
Was a beautiful song sung by Henry?
The children saw the baby shark video (Change to passive interrogative)
Was the baby shark video seen by the children?
Were the keys left on the table by Mary? (change to active)
Mary left the keys on the table
Lucas grew plants in his garden. (change to pasive)
plants were grown by Lucas in his garden
The cat was bitten by the dog. (change to active)
The dog bit the cat.
Were mistakes made by Jeff? (Change to active)
Jeff made mistakes
Active or Passive? "The painting was sold to someone who later donated it to the college."
true or false? "Susan was pleased with Sarah's beautiful work." This is written in active voice.
True or false. The sentence "My car was stolen" can be changed to the active voice
False, we dont know who stole the car
True or False? The passive voice is used if you don't know who preformed the action in the sentence
Was the invention built by Einstein?(change to active)
Einstein built the invention.
Were the cars driven by the students? (Change to active)
The students drove the cars
Sarah wrote the letter (change to passive interrogative)
Was the letter written by Sarah?
The car was repaired by Sam (chage to active)
Sam repaired the car
Chef Nick prepared the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. (change to passive)
The restaurant's fantastic dinners were prepared by Chef Nick for two years before he moved to Paris
The garage was cleaned by John last week (change to active)
John cleaned the garage last week
Amy mailed the letter (change to passive)
The letter was mailed by Amy