Edit Game
If I knew...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you didn't _______________________, would you _______________________?
If you didn't _______________________, would you _______________________?
If you _______________________, you wouldn't _______________________.
If you _______________________, you wouldn't _______________________.
If I _______________________, I wouldn't _______________________.
If I _______________________, I wouldn't _______________________.
If you didn't _______________________, you would _______________________.
If you didn't _______________________, you would _______________________.
If I didn't _______________________, I would _______________________.
If I didn't _______________________, I would _______________________.
If I could _______________________, _______________________.
If I could _______________________, _______________________.
If you could _______________________, _______________________?
If you could _______________________, _______________________?
If you had more money, _______________________?
If you had more money, _______________________?
If you got sick, _______________________.
If you got sick, _______________________.
If you felt _____, I would _______.
If you felt _____, I would _______.
If you needed _____, I would _______.
If you needed _____, I would _______.
If you asked _____, you might _______.
If you asked _____, you might _______.
If you tried _____, I would _______.
If you tried _____, I would _______.
If I tried _____, I might _______.
If I tried _____, I might _______.
If I found _____, I might _______.
If I found _____, I might _______.
If fewer people _______________, ________________.
If fewer people _______________, ________________.
If more people _______________, ________________.
If more people _______________, ________________.
If you _______________, ________________?
If you _______________, ________________?
If you _______________, ________________.
If you _______________, ________________.
If I _______________, ________________.
If I _______________, ________________.
If I _______________, ________________?
If I _______________, ________________?
If _______________, ________________?
If _______________, ________________?
If _______________, ________________.
If _______________, ________________.
If you worked _______________________, would _______________________?
If you worked _______________________, would _______________________?
If you found _______________________, would _______________________?
If you found _______________________, would _______________________?
If you took _______________________, would _______________________?
If you took _______________________, would _______________________?
If you made _______________________, would _______________________?
If you made _______________________, would _______________________?
If you got _______________________, would _______________________?
If you got _______________________, would _______________________?
If you went _______________________, would _______________________?
If you went _______________________, would _______________________?
If you knew _______________________, would _______________________?
If you knew _______________________, would _______________________?
If you had _______________________, would _______________________?
If you had _______________________, would _______________________?
If you were _______________________, would you _______________________?
If you were _______________________, would _______________________?
_______________________, life would be easier.
_______________________, life would be easier.
_______________________, it would be better for the environment.
_______________________, it would be better for the environment.
_______________________, I'd quit my job.
_______________________, I'd quit my job.
_______________________, my boss would be happier.
_______________________, my boss would be happier.
_______________________, I would be healthier.
_______________________, I would be healthier.
_______________________, I would be more productive.
_______________________, I would be more productive.
_______________________, I would be happier.
_______________________, I would be happier.
If you moved to the U.S., _______________________?
If you moved to the U.S., _______________________?
If I lived in the UK, _______________________.
If I lived in the UK, _______________________.
If I were self-employed, _______________________.
If I were self-employed, _______________________.
If I made more money, _______________________.
If I made more money, _______________________.
If more managers were women, _______________________.
If more managers were women, _______________________.
If you changed careers, _______________________?
If you changed careers, _______________________?
If I changed careers, _______________________.
If I changed careers, _______________________.
If our office had a gym, _______________________.
If our office had a gym, _______________________.
If I retired today, _______________________.
If I retired today, _______________________.
If I could always work from home, _______________________.
If I could always work from home, _______________________.
If there were fewer meetings at my job, _______________________.
If there were fewer meetings at my job, _______________________.
If you were _____, you could _______.
If you were _____, you could _______.
If I were _____, I could _______.
If I were _____, I could _______.
If I had _____, I could _______.
If I had _____, I could _______.
If I had my boss’s job, _______________________.
If I had my boss’s job, _______________________.
If I knew _____, I would _______.
If I knew _____, I would _______.