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Sarcasm vs. Indirect Request

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bobby told Jenny, Annie, and Mark, “My mom said I can bring one friend to Disneyland next week.” Mark said, “I don’t have any plans next week, and I love Disneyland!”
Indirect Request
Martha and Bob were working on posters. “All my markers ran out of ink,” Martha said.
Indirect Request
Everybody knew Joey cheated on his math test, but he still waved around his latest A+. “You sure are good at math,” Bobby said as he rolled his eyes.
It rained on the day of the marathon, and Katie was really disappointed. She remarked, “Great weather we’re having,” to her best friend Lisa.
Patty was painting a fence while Joey read a book nearby. “This sure is hard work,” she said.
Indirect Request
Mom carried the groceries in from the car while Bob and I played basketball. “Boy, these bags are heavy,” she said.
Indirect Request
Katie was talking with her boyfriend on the phone, and they were obviously fighting about something. Bobby turned to Marco and asked, “Could she be any louder?”
Janet, Bobby, Arun, and Marco were playing four square. Marco accidentally ran into Janet, and she began to cry. “Well aren’t you a champ!” he said.
Ethan sat at the counter making chocolate milk. Jeffery came up and said, “Mmm, that sure looks good.”
Indirect Request
Janet had a cold. She blew her nose every two minutes. Bobby asked the class, “Is there an elephant in here?"