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Measurements & Time

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you wanted to measure time you could use a watch, clock, hourglass or even a _____ .
sundial, etc.
Different parts of the world are located in different time zones. This means that while you are having breakfast in the morning, someone in another part of the world is _____.
having dinner, sleeping, etc.
Planck time is the name given to the _____ known unit of time.
smallest/tiniest etc.
Milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds are examples of very _____ units of time.
small/short etc.
How many days in a year?
How many seconds in an hour?
How many seconds are in a year?
How many hours in a day?
How many minutes in a day?
Put these in order of SHORTEST to LONGEST: millennium, decade, month, year
month, year, decade, millennium
put these in order of LONGEST to SHORTEST: century, millennium, decade
millennium, century, decade
We use a _____ to check how many days are in a month.
We need to measure the length and _____ of this desk.
Check the temperature with the _____.
Check your _____ on this _____. How many kilos did you gain?
weight / scale
_____ some milk into this bowl of cereal.
She used a ruler to measure the _____, height, and width of her desk.
Can you _____ my _____. How much taller have I grown?
measure / height
The ping pong ball will _____ in water.
Use experiment correctly in a sentence.