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Facts about Food

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Junk food is more expensive than healthy food.
A cucumber is 36% water.
False! 96%
Consuming dairy may cause acne.
Chocolate can kill dogs.
Over 60% of the restaurants on ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ are now closed.
1 in 800 American Workers Has Worked at McDonald’s.
False! 1 in 8!
Subway actually has more locations worldwide than McDonald's does.
The busiest day of the year for restaurants is Valentines' Day.
False! Mother's Day
French fries were actually created in Belgium.
In the past, ketchup was said to have medicinal properties.
Gelatin in vegan.
False! Gelatin is made from boiling skin, cartilage and bones from animals such as pigs, cows, and chickens.
The original carrots were purple and yellow.
Honey goes bad after 100 years.
False! Honey is the only edible food that never goes bad!
Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of an orange.
McDonald's sells 5 hamburgers every second of every day.
False! 75!
Chocolate was once used as currency.