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Response questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's going to visit his grandma tonight.
Is he?
We're going to buy a new flat soon.
Are you?
She's one of the best writers!
Is she?
I've won 3 times in a lottery.
Have you?
I've been to 15 countries!
Have you?
I've read all the Harry Potter books!
Have you?
We were scuba-diving all the summer!
Were you?
We will go to Thailand next month.
Will you?
I will help you with your homework.
Will you?
I've never traveled by plane.
Haven't you?
I was cooking lasagna when you called me.
Were you?
I travel abroad twice a year.
Do you?
We bought a new flat-screen TV last week.
Did you?
I went to see my friends.
Did you?
I saw real deer last winter in Finland!
Did you?
I was sick all the week.
Were you?
I've never tried snails.
Haven't you?
I love snorkelling.
Do you?
He's really ambitious.
Is he?
I'm afraid of snakes.
Are you?