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Irregular Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think she has ________ here once before. (come)
I think she has come here once before.
It ________ as a big surprise to us. (come)
It came as a big surprise to us.
Have you ________ that movie yet? (see)
Have you seen that movie yet?
We ________ some friends over the weekend. (see)
We saw some friends over the weekend.
He has already ________ that course. (take)
He has already taken that course.
We ________ a different route to get there. (take)
We took a different route to get there.
Have you ________ about it yet? (think)
Have you thought about it yet?
They ________ it was a good idea. (think)
They thought it was a good idea.
I've ________ them for ages. (know)
I've known them for ages.
She ________ the answer right away. (know)
She knew the answer right away.
Has she ________ any better at that? (get)
Has she got/gotten any better at that?
We ________ some interesting news yesterday. (get)
We got some interesting news yesterday.
Haven't you ________ there before? (go)
Haven't you gone there before?
He ________ to the store earlier today. (go)
He went to the store earlier today.
I've ________ it many times before. (say)
I've said it many times before.
She ________ something I didn't understand. (say)
She said something I didn't understand.
We've ________ enough for today. (do)
We've done enough for today.
They ________ a really nice job. (do)
They did a really nice job.
She has ________ a lot of progress. (make)
She has made a lot of progress.
She ________ it yesterday. (have)
She had it yesterday.
I’ve already ________ dinner. (have)
I’ve already had dinner.
He ________ a serious mistake. (make)
He made a serious mistake.