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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't forget to ............ the lights ........ before you leave tonight.
switch/turn off
The fire brigade will take all day to ........ that fire ........ - it's huge!
put out
Please can you ....... ........ your shoes when you come inside, I don't want my carpet to get dirty.
take off
I didn't do my homework, but it's OK, I'll just .......... ........... an excuse! :D
make up
OMG! You are so stubborn! You really ............. after your mum! She's exactly the same.
Please can you .......... on my ............ to Peter, it's was so nice of him to help me the other day.
pass, thanks
They've missed so many lessons recently that it's going to be hard to ............ up with the rest of the class.
The book was brilliant but I felt a bit ......... down by the recent film version - it was rubbish!
My aunt is coming to visit us next week so we'll have to ........... her ........... the city, because she's never been before.
show around
I'm really ............... ............. to Christmas! It's going to be so much fun!
looking forward
He had a terrible day yesterday: first he lost his keys, then his car ......... ........... and so he was late for work!
broke down
The plane .......... off late this morning so we didn't arrive until after lunch.
What time do you .......... off in the morning to go to school?
The match has been ........ off until it stops raining.
She said she would go to the party but now she has changed her mind and she's trying to get .......... of it!
I can't put ......... with that noise anymore! I'm going to tell them to be quiet!
I've kept all my books and toys from when I was little! I hate ............ things away!