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English Class A2 unit 3 HOLIDAY

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ate dinner. -make negative
They didn't eat dinner
The hotel was expensive - make negative
The hotel wasn't expensive
She saw whales - make negative
She didn't see whales
When/ you/ arrive/ home?
When did you arrive home?
how many days/ you / be / there?
How many days were you there?
/Anna/ go / with you?
Did Anna go with you?
______she _____(buy) a souvenir yesterday?
did shy buy
dawno temu
a long time ago
zeszłej nocy
last night
2 dni temu
2 days ago
Where __________you last night? (be)
Tom ___________(not be) at school 2 days ago.
They __________(not be) happy yesterday,
My mum __________(cook) dinner 2 hours ago.
What____________you (do) yesterday?
what did you do
She _________(not see) a dog 2 days ago.
didn't see
They __________( go) to the shop yesterday.
what's this?
visit a museum
what's this?
try the local food
what's this?
stay in a hotel
what's this?
read a guidebook
what's this?
go to the beach
what's this?
go snorkelling
what's this?
go sightseeing
what's this?
go on a guided tour
what's this?
go on a day trip
what's this?
go on a boat trip
what's this?
go hiking
what's this?
go cycling
what's this?
go camping
what's this?
explore a city/a town/an area
What is this?
do water sports
What's this?
buy a souvenir