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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I swear I didn't mean to ________ any harm.
I swear I didn't mean to do any harm.
You need to stop putting off ________ your homework.
You need to stop putting off your homework.
I suppose in this case we can ________ an exception.
I suppose in this case we can make an exception.
I'm surprised they ________ such a fuss about it.
I'm surprised they made such a fuss about it.
I'm tired of him always ________ excuses.
I'm tired of him always making excuses.
She is ________ a good point, don't you think?
She is making a good point, don't you think?
Can you believe he ________ a pass at her during lunch?
Can you believe he made a pass at her during lunch?
You can't just walk in; you need to ________ a reservation.
You can't just walk in; you need to make a reservation.
I'll ________ dinner if you ________ the dishes.
I'll make dinner if you do the dishes.
He always forgets to ________ the bed.
He always forgets to make the bed.
Do you know where she gets her hair ________?
Do you know where she gets her hair done?
There is nowhere to sit; could you please ________ some room for us?
There is nowhere to sit; could you please some room for us?
They're ________ way too much noise.
They're making way too much noise.
They have already ________ too many requests.
They have already made too many requests.
Could I ________ a suggestion?
Could I make a suggestion?
Do you feel like she's ________ progress?
Do you feel like she's making progress?
He didn't ________ much of an effort, did he?
He didn't make much of an effort, did he?
I'll try to ________ my best.
I'll try to do my best.
Can you ________ me a favor?
Can you do me a favor?
Are you sure you ________ an appointment?
Are you sure you made an appointment?
I just need to ________ sure.
I just need to make sure.
Usually, she ________ some of the chores and I ________ others.
She does some of the chores and I do others.
Everybody ________ mistakes.
Everybody makes mistakes.
I'd love to, but I've already ________ plans.
I'd love to, but I've already made plans.
I need to ________ a few errands after work today.
I need to do a few errands after work today.
Did I ________ something wrong?
Did I do something wrong?
We need to ________ a decision as soon as possible.
We need to make a decision as soon as possible.
Do you think they ________ the right choice?
Do you think they made the right choice?
Why haven’t you ________ your homework yet?
Why haven’t you done your homework yet?
I think you're ________ the right thing.
I think you're doing the right thing.
At this rate, it will be tough to ________ a profit.
At this rate, it will be tough to make a profit.
They finished ________ the experiments last month.
They finished doing the research last month.
She has ________ quite a few friends there.
She's made quite a few friends there.
Why are you always _______ fun of him?
Why are you always making fun of him?
To _______ a long story short...
To make a long story short...
Who usually _______ the shopping in your family?
Who usually does the shopping in your family?
I've _______ up my mind; I'm going to do it.
I've made up my mind; I'm going to do it.
We've never _______ business with them.
We've never done business with them.
It's been two weeks; I really need to _______ laundry.
It's been two weeks; I really need to do laundry.
Their company _______ a great deal of money last year.
Their company made a great deal of money last year.