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Would you rather ... Christmas Edition

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather...
watch Christmas movies all day -OR- go Christmas shopping all day
Would you rather...
see the Nutcracker -OR- dance in the Nutcracker
Would you rather...
be one of Santa's elves -OR- be one of Santa's reindeer
Would you rather...
have a job wrapping presents at the mall -OR- have a job taking pictures of children sitting on Santa's lap at the mall
Would you rather...
get a bunch of small presents -OR- get one big present for Christmas
Would you rather...
be given $100 to buy your own presents -OR- be given $1000 to buy gifts for all your loved ones
Would you rather...
receive socks for Christmas -OR- receive a dictionary for Christmas
Would you rather...
visit the north pole but not Santa's workshop -OR- visit Santa's workshop but not the rest of the north pole
Would you rather...
have a nose that glows read like Rudolph's -OR- have pointy elf ears
Would you rather...
write a five paragraph essay about a winter holiday -OR- write a holiday-themed song
Would you rather...
be allowed to only eat fruitcake for two days -OR- be allowed to only eat candy canes for two days
Would you rather...
live in a giant gingerbread house -OR- ride on the Polar Express
Would you rather...
eat your cereal with eggnog instead of milk -OR- eat a candy cane sandwich
Would you rather...
be at home on Christmas and get lots of presents -OR- go on anywhere in the world for vacation but not get any presents
Would you rather...
Have Christmas tree tinsel for hair -OR- have fingernails that light up like Christmas lights
Would you rather...
have Christmas lights shining into your bedroom all the time -OR- have a large decorated Christmas tree in your bedroom doorway
Would you rather...
have Frosty the Snowman for a friend -OR- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Would you rather...
not celebrate Christmas this year -OR- not celebrate your birthday this year
Would you rather...
make presents for your family instead of buying them -OR- make ornaments for your Christmas tree instead of buying them
Would you rather...
have to loudly sing the chorus of Jingle Bells every time you walk into a room for a week -OR- have to wear a Santa suit to school every day for a week