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Verbs with ING or TO

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Something you regret (NOT DO) sooner.
Something you regret NOT DOING sooner.
Something you would offer (HELP) someone else do.
Something you would offer TO HELP someone else do.
Something you started (DO) as a hobby.
Something you started DOING as a hobby.
Something you agreed (DO) even though you didn’t want to.
Something you agreed TO DO even though you didn’t want to.
Something you suggest (DO) with friends.
Something you suggest DOING with friends.
Something you intended (DO) but didn’t manage to finish.
Something you intended TO DO but didn’t manage to finish.
Something you enjoy (DO) on your own.
Something you enjoy DOING on your own.
Something you hope (DO) before the end of the year.
Something you hope TO DO before the end of the year.
Something you avoid (DO) during winter.
Something you avoid DOING during winter.
Something you tried (DO) once but didn’t enjoy.
Something you tried DOING once but didn’t enjoy.
Something you would refuse (DO) even if others did it.
Something you refused TO DO even if others did it.
Something you fancy (DO) when you have free time.
Something you fancy DOING when you have free time.
Something you claim (BE) able to do.
Something you claim TO BE able to do.
Something you failed (DO) at work recently.
Something you failed TO DO at work recently.
Something you considered (DO) but didn’t.
Something you considered DOING but didn’t.
Something you continued (DO) despite the difficulties.
Something you continued DOING despite the difficulties.
Something you promised (DO) for a friend.
Something you promised TO DO for a friend.
Something you regret (NOT DO) last year.
Something you regret NOT DOING last year.
Something you would risk (DO) for money.
Something you risk DOING for money.
Something you tend (FORGET).
Something you tend TO FORGET.
Something you would plan (DO) if you had more free time.
Something you would plan TO DO if you had more free time.
Something you remember (DO) on your last vacation.
Something you remember DOING on your last vacation.
Something you stopped (DO) recently.
Something you stopped DOING recently.
Something you managed (DO) this week.
Something you managed TO DO this week.