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Earning / Spending

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are having a lazy day.
Nothing happened.
You had a boring day.
Nothing happened.
You stayed home watching TV.
Nothing happened.
You received private lessons.
Give $5 to the previous team.
You lost a bet.
Give $5 to the next team.
You bought food for your fish.
You spent $7.
You bought some snacks at school.
You spent $7.
You went to the movie theater with a date.
You spent $30.
Your brother cleaned your room.
You gave him $4.
You bought a lollipop.
You spent $1.
You bought a lemonade from a lemonade stand.
You spent $2.
Your bike broke and a friend fixed for you.
You gave him $10.
You bought new shoes.
You spent $25.
You bought ice-cream.
You spent $3.
You received your allowance.
You earned $20.
Your dad asked you to go get something outside in his car.
You earned $1.
You washed your friend's bike.
You earned $5.
You delivered newspapers.
You earned $15.
You got birthday gifts from your relatives.
You earned $35.
You found money in your pocket.
You earned $2.
You babysat for your neighbor.
You earned $50.
You put the trash out.
You earned $7.
You washed the dishes.
You earned $10.
You cleaned your room.
You earned $5.