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Book 5 (Units 1-14) Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 3 things that taste bitter
coffee, green tea, arugula
Say 3 sports
Athletics, soccer, baseball
Say 3 effects of ageing
losing hair, losing teeth, losing hearing
Say 3 parts of the body
chin, abdomen, thigh
Say 3 types of occupation
teacher, nurse, lawyer
Say 3 things that disappoint you
elections, inflation, fake people
Say 3 renewable energy sources
sunlight, wind and rain
Say 3 things that make you see red
injustice, traffic jam, impolite people
Say 3 types of crime
shoplifting, arson, kidnapping
Say 3 things that cause stress
work, school, health problems
Say 3 relative pronouns
who, which, that
Say 3 things that take courage
Get a new job, move out, fight a disease
Say 3 forms of punishment
prison, fine, death penalty
Say 3 benefits of living in Santos
good weather, everything is near, beautiful city
Say 3 things that motivate you
food, money, recognition
Say 3 reasons to learn English
get a good job, travel abroad, meet people
Say 3 types of relatives
siblings, cousins, grandparents
Say 3 things people can be addicted to
drugs, alcohol, cell phone
Say 3 things you will have done by the end of this year
free answer
Say 3 terrible news you have heard recently
Amapá's blackout, corona virus, fires in Pantanal
Say 3 things that can cause a scandal
an affair, a crime, corruption