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Mistakes? Olympic Edition

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The medals ceremony are held at the end of each event.
The medals ceremony IS held at the end of each event.
There's a few surprises in the results today.
There ARE a few surprises in the results today.
Each participants have to pass a health check.
Each participant HAS to pass a health check.
How much countries compete in the Summer Olympics?
How MANY countries compete in the Summer Olympics?
The committee need to make a decision soon.
The committee NEEDS to make a decision soon.
A number of new event was introduced.
A number of new events WERE introduced.
Many records was broken in this Olympics.
Many records WERE broken in this Olympics.
The athlete who win the race is very young.
The athlete who WINS the race is very young.
She is one of the woman who won the race.
She is one of the WOMEN who won the race.
There was less countries participating this year.
There WERE fewer countries participating this year.
They was excited to see the opening ceremony.
They WERE excited to see the opening ceremony.
He try to break the world record.
He TRIES to break the world record.
Swimming are a popular Olympic sport.
Swimming IS a popular Olympic sport.
Every athletes dreams of winning a medal.
Every athlete dreams of winning a medal.
The winners receives their medals today.
The winners RECEIVE their medals today.
Who have the record for the 100m?
Who HAS the record for the 100m?
The teams wears colorful uniforms.
The teams WEAR colorful uniforms.
He do not participate in the 2020 games.
He DID not participate in the 2020 games.
There is many sports in the Olympics.
There ARE many sports in the Olympics.
A athlete stands on the podium.
AN athlete stands on the podium.
The next olympic games is in Paris.
The next Olympic Games ARE in Paris.
She have won three gold medals.
She HAS won three gold medals.
Each country has it's own team.
Each country has ITS own team.
The athletes runs very fast in the races.
The athletes RUN very fast in the races.