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Everybody Up 6 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Privileges SKC3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do on the weekend?
I can...
What can guests use in the park but not on the rides?
They can use their cellphones in the park, but not on the rides.
What must guests buy inside the park?
They must buy food, snacks, and drinks inside the park.
What should guests wear on their feet?
They should wear sneakers.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My MOM could WATCH A SCARY MOVIE when SHE was my age, but my DAD couldn't.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My DAD could STAY UP LATE when HE was my age, but my MOM couldn't.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My MOM could HAVE A PARTY when SHE was my age, but my DAD couldn't.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My DAD could INVITE A FRIEND OVER when HE was my age, but my MOM couldn't.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My MOM could SING KARAOKE when SHE was my age, but my DAD couldn't.
My ______ could ______ when ______ was my age, but my ______ couldn't.
My DAD could CALL FRIENDS when HE was my age, but my MOM couldn't.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can HAVE A PARTY on weekends, but I can't HAVE A PARTY on weekdays.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can SING KARAOKE on weekends, but I can't SING KARAOKE on weekdays.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can WATCH A SCARY MOVIE on weekends, but I can't WATCH A SCARY MOVIE on weekdays.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can INVITE A FRIEND OVER on weekends, but I can't INVITE A FRIEND OVER on weekdays.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can STAY UP LATE on weekends, but I can't STAY UP LATE on weekdays.
I can ______ on weekends, but I can't ______ on weekdays.
I can CALL FRIENDS on weekends, but I can't CALL FRIENDS on weekdays.