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WHII.8 SOL Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What two nations were the last to united in Europe?
Italy and Germany
Who united Southern Italy and was one of the "fathers of the fatherland"?
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Who united Northern Italy through political means?
Count Cavour
What was the last section of Italy to join with the rest to form the nation it is today?
The Papal States
Explain what Otto von Bismarck's belief of "realpolitik" was.
The ruler should use all means to achieve and hold power
What conflict did Otto von Bismarck use to unite Germany together under Prussian rule?
The Franco-Prussian War
What nation did Otto von Bismarck lead in the 1870s?
What nation expanded political rights through political means and made slavery illegal in the mid-1800s?
Great Britain
What occurred throughout Europe in 1848?
What type of rulers were brought back in many European countries after the Congress of Vienna?
What two new political philosophies developed in Europe during this time? What did each mean?
Liberalism and conservatism. Liberalis want to change things and conservatives want things to stay the same or go back to how they used to be before
Explain what the "Balance of Power" doctrine was.
The belief that if most European nations were of similar strength then conflict would be reduced or wouldn't occur
What meeting took place to decide how to put Europe back together after the fall of Napoleon?
The Congress of Vienna
What feelings were awakened in many European people after the rise and fall of Napoleon?
What legal code did the French emperor put in place that many law codes today are based on?
The Napoleonic Code
Who conquered most of Europe during the early 1800s?