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SS8H3 GA & the American Revolution Review

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What document replaced the Articles of Confederation as the binding governing document of the U.S. and is still used today.
The United States Constitution
After the war ended, what was the first governing body of the new United States?
The Articles of Confederation
This strategic and historical city remained in British control throughout the American Revolution despite efforts by the Patriots to reclaim it.
Siege of Savannah
Elijah Clarke led the Patriots to a victory in this battle in Georgia.
The Battle of Kettle Creek
Those who opposed leaving King George and Great Britain were called________-
The final paragraph of the D.O. I. declares the colonies free of Great Britain's rule and the formation of what new country?
The United States of America
The second part of the Declaration of Independence is a list grievances. What are grievances and who were they directed to?
Grievences are complaints, how you did me wrong. In this case, it is a list of how King George and Great Britain have done wrong to the colonies.
The preamble of the Declaration of Independence tells what?
Big ideas/Beliefs of the colonists such as All men are created equal and have certain rights.
What is the title of the official breakup letter written by the colonists to King George III?
The Declaration of Independence
King George III issued this big announcement that forbide colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains, restricting where they could live and trade.
The Proclamation of 1763
This act taxed all legal papers in the colonies and even other paper products like playing cards!
The Stamp Act
Taxation without representation was a slogan prior to the American Revolution. What did it mean to the colonists?
colonists had no voice in the government that issued the unfair taxes
Name the 3 Georgian signers to the Declaration of Independence.
Lyman Hall, Gwinnett Button, George Walton
Quartering Soldiers means that colonists had to do what?
Colonists were required to house and feed soliders without payment.
The Intolerable Acts were punishments issued after what colonial protest?
The Boston Tea Party
Why was the French and Indian War, also known as the 7 year war, called "Indian War" when it was between France and Great Britain?
Native Americans fought on both sides with the promise of recieving rewards once the war was over.
What countries participated in the French and Indian War?
France and Great Britain