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WHII.7 SOL Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which sect was the dominant form of Christianity practiced in Latin America?
Which of the following is not a nation that Toussaint L'Ouverture defeated? Spain, Portugal, France, Britain
What document was issued by an American president regarding the newly formed Latin American nations and what did the document state?
The Monroe Doctrine; that the Americas should no longer be considered an area of possible European colonization
Who freed multiple Latin American colonies from their European rulers and what region of Latin America was he most active in?
Simon Bolivar; northern South America
Who was the leader of the slave rebellion in Haiti and what European power did they initially rebel against?
Toussaint L'Ouverture; France
Where did Father Miguel Hidalgo launch a revolution?
What was the most sought after good/resource that was mined in Latin America, who was used to get it, and what long-term effect did it have on Spain's economy?
Silver (precious metals); Native Americans, then imported African slaves; inflation
Who were the creoles in Latin American society and why were they treated differently from the peninsulares?
People of European heritage, born in Latin America; The peninsulares were "superior" because they were born in Europe
Who were the viceroys in Latin America and who did they report back to?
The leaders of the colonies; Their respective monarchs from Europe (A Spanish viceroy would obey the Spanish monarch)
What was the name of the social/political system the Spanish put in place in Latin America that essentially became a system of slavery?
The Encomienda System
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?
Buenos Aires
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?
Sao Paulo
What nation/outpost is being identified on the following image?