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WHII.5 SOL Review

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List two of the three regions that the Ottoman Empire was located in during its height.
Southwest Asia (Middle East), Southeastern Europe (The Balkans), and North Africa
What nation's textile industry was heavily influenced by Indian textiles?
What policy did Japan take to limit contact with foreigners? Also, what nation forcibly opened Japan to trade in 1853?
Isolationism. The United States (Commodore Matthew Perry)
Who was the figurehead in power in Japan in the 1500s?
The Emperor
What was the name of the military leader who was actually in control of Japan during the 1500s?
What two goods did European greatly desire from the Chinese?
Tea and porcelain (along with many others such as silk)
What did China use to limit foreign contact when trading? How did they work and were they effective in the long run?
Enclaves. Setting up areas of trade-only interaction with Europeans. Not effective in long run.
What architectural wonder showcases Mughal architectural style?
The Taj Mahal
What three items did Southern India trade? Also, what kept Southern India from being unified with Mughal India?
Silk, spices, and gems. The Ghats Mountains
What three European nations established trading outposts in India during this time?
Portugal, England, and the Netherlands
What group migrated into India and took power? Also, what religion were they?
Mughals (Mongols). Islamic
What religion was a unifying force in the Ottoman Empire?
What two things did the Ottomans trade extensively?
Coffee and ceramics
What was the capital of the Ottoman Empire and what was it named before they conquered it?
Istanbul, previously Constantinople
What region in Southeastern Europe did the Ottomans expand into? (This is where the Bosnian Genocide took place in the late 1900s)
Balkan Peninsula/The Balkans
What physical feature was known as being the "heart" of the Ottoman Empire?
Asia Minor/Anatolia