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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Music is played by instruments only, without lyrics.
Instrumental songs/ instrumental music
A song which mothers usually sing children to sleep.
What is she singing?
National anthem
It stands for Rhythm - And - Poetry and was part of the African American.
Rap/ hip-hop
Modern music that is popular among young people?
Pop/ Pop music
A style of music created by African American musicians
A style of music with a strong and loud beat
Rock 'n' roll
What kind of music is this?
Classical music
What kind of music is this?
Folk music
The expression of being extremely happy and excited.
be over the moon
The expression of making other people feel happy
keep sb happy/ cheer sb up
The expression of feeling extremely good.
(make sb) feel like a million dollars
The expression of being unhappy.
feel down (in the dumps)
The expression of being very tired
be exhausted/ be wiped out
The expression of being very tired, especially after working or exercising.
be worn out