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Book 4 (2nd half) Complete

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He is late. He ... have ...
He might have missed the bus.
She is not here. She ... have ...
She may have forgotten the meeting.
I am to ... next week.
I am to finish a report next week.
I needn't have ... because ...
I needn't have bought food because the fridge was full.
I should have ... last year.
I should have saved money last year.
I was about to ... when...
I was about to go out when my phone rang.
I have my .. every week. (have something done)
I have my nails done every week.
My father told me...
not to spend all my money.
I would rather my mother...
didn't speak so loud.
I would rather my boss...
stopped asking me to work overtime.
I would rather ... than ...
I would rather read a book than watch TV.
I couldn't ... when I was a teenager.
drive a car
I was able to ... once.
translate 7 thousand words in less than 24 hours
Would you mind... (polite request)
moving your chair?
Do you mind if... (polite request)
I open the window?
My mother suggested that I should...
buy a new car.
The teacher asked me...
to answer the questions.
My best friend advised me...
to get a new job.
My parents forbade me from ... when I was a child.
My parents forbade me from going to bed late when I was a child.
I got used to ... when I became an adult. (process of getting accustomed)
I got used to paying my bills when I became an adult.
I used to ... when I was a child. (past habit)
I used to watch a lot of cartoons when I was a child.
I am not used to ... (present habit)
I am used to ... (present habit)
waking up early.
I wonder if... (asking for a favor)
I can borrow your pen.